Released on April , 2023

<aside> ‼️ Release requires prior migration to 1.26.6


List of changes

Migration guide

<aside> 👉 PR addresses changes required for migrating to this release.


1. Upgrade version


<aside> ‼️ Sample integration of SPM and VideoEditor is in SPM branch. Please follow VideoEditor SDK SPM guide.



Below is Podfile for release with Face AR

source '<>'
source '<>'
platform :ios, '13.0'

target 'Example' do
	pod 'BanubaARCloudSDK', '' #optional
  pod 'BanubaVideoEditorSDK', ''
  pod 'BanubaAudioBrowserSDK', '' #optional
  pod 'BanubaMusicEditorSDK', ''
  pod 'BanubaOverlayEditorSDK', ''
  pod 'BanubaEffectPlayer', ''
  pod 'BanubaSDK', ''
  pod 'BanubaSDKServicing', ''
  pod 'VideoEditor', ''
  pod 'BanubaUtilities', ''
  pod 'BanubaVideoEditorGallerySDK', '' #optional
  pod 'BanubaVideoEditorTrimSDK', ''
  pod 'BanubaLicenseServicingSDK', ''
  pod 'BNBLicenseUtils', ''
  pod 'VEExportSDK', ''
  pod 'VEEffectsSDK', ''
  pod 'VEPlaybackSDK', ''

Below is Podfile for release with NO Face AR

source '<>'
source '<>'
platform :ios, '13.0'

target 'Example' do
  pod 'BanubaARCloudSDK', '' #optional
  pod 'BanubaVideoEditorSDK', ''
  pod 'BanubaAudioBrowserSDK', '' #optional
  pod 'BanubaMusicEditorSDK', ''
  pod 'BanubaOverlayEditorSDK', ''
  pod 'BanubaSDKSimple', ''
  pod 'BanubaSDKServicing', ''
  pod 'VideoEditor', ''
  pod 'BanubaUtilities', ''
  pod 'BanubaVideoEditorGallerySDK', '' #optional
  pod 'BanubaVideoEditorTrimSDK', ''
  pod 'BanubaLicenseServicingSDK', ''
  pod 'BNBLicenseUtils', ''
  pod 'VEPlaybackSDK', ''
  pod 'VEEffectsSDK', ''
  pod 'VEEExportSDK', ''

3. ❗API changes

We have refactored the following methods:

exportProgress closure now takes in a Float instead of TimeInterval value for representing the progress of the export operation as a percentage.

completion now takes in only two parameters error and exportCoverImages .

public func export(
  using configuration: ExportConfiguration,
  exportProgress: ((~~TimeInterval~~) -> Void)?,
  completion: @escaping ((~~_ success: Bool~~, _ error: Error?, _ exportCoverImages: ExportCoverImages?) -> Void)
) {}