
Follow External analytics events provider in the


UI configuration

New buttons Autocut and Next are available in new release. Each button has two states - normal and disabled.


You can customize these buttons using combinedGalleryConfiguration.

See the following example:

var config = VideoEditorConfig()
config.combinedGalleryConfiguration.autoCutGalleryConfiguration = .init(
  normalApplyAutoCutButtonConfiguration: .init(borderColor: .white, textAndIconColor: .white),
  disabledApplyAutoCutButtonConfiguration: .init(borderColor: .white.withAlphaComponent(0.2), textAndIconColor: .white.withAlphaComponent(0.4)),
  normalNextButtonConfiguration: .init(textColor: .black, backgroundColor: .white),
  disabledNextButtonConfiguration: .init(textColor: .white.withAlphaComponent(0.4), backgroundColor: .white.withAlphaComponent(0.2)),
  maximumDurationOfAutoCutSourceVideos: 120

Use maximumDurationOfAutoCutSourceVideos property to specify the maximum autocut video duration. This duration is calculated as sum of all selected video selected in the gallery. Toast will appear when the duration is longer than maximum. Default and recommended value is 120.


To change the background color of the toast you can use VideoEditorConfig.toastConfiguration.backgroundColor configuration.

New identifiers .captions and .autoCut for buttons are added to editorConfiguration to customize icons appearance.

EditorConfiguration effect buttons-2.png

var config = VideoEditorConfig()
config.editorConfiguration.additionalEffectsButtons = [
    identifier: .captions,
    imageConfiguration: ...,
    selectedImageConfiguration: ...,
    title: ...
    identifier: .autoCut,
    imageConfiguration: ...,
    selectedImageConfiguration: ...,
    title: ...

Network API configuration

To configure the network assets delivery of Auto Cut feature a new configuration entity AutoCutConfiguration has been added to VideoEditorConfig. For correct operation of Auto Cut you must specify the following URLs:

AutoCutConfiguration is added to configure AutoCut network configurations.