Released on Sep 4, 2023

<aside> 💡 Release requires prior migration to 1.29.3


List of changes

We did deep analysis of the way how Video Editor SDK is integrated, what issues appear while integrating, the process of resolving issues through support and it was decided to improve all of these by

UI/UX changes

New UI is fully based on previous version. UX has not been changed significantly.

The main goal of these major changes is to show to your users UI that is more


New version is based on the following color scheme by default.

Screenshot 2023-08-25 at 8.42.33 PM.png

<aside> 💡 You can customize colors by using styles as you could do earlier.


Integration changes

Video Editor SDK contains hundreds of styles, resources, configurations and we understand how complicated and painful it might be to set up everything to complete basic integration and bring your own experience.