Follow migration to 1.30.1

Pass arguments parameter as a dictionary to the BanubaVideoEditor initialization

  token: String,
  arguments: [String: Any] = [:],
  isCameraEnabled: Bool = true,
  configuration: VideoEditorConfig,
  externalViewControllerFactory: ExternalViewControllerFactory? = nil

var videoEditorSDK: BanubaVideoEditor?
videoEditorSDK = BanubaVideoEditor(
  token: "",
  arguments: ["ENABLE_RECORDING_WITHOUT_MASK": false],
  configuration: VideoEditorConfig()


Follow migration to 1.30.1

private val launchExtra by lazy {

  context = applicationContext,
	extras = launchExtra

Update - support alert dialog

The solution is based on reusing base alert dialog SDK components on Android and iOS. Our base alert dialogs follow Android and iOS design guidelines which means that appearance are not 100% the same on both platforms.


Step 1

Migrate to 1.31.2

Step 2

Customize base alert dialog appearance.

This change will be applied to all similar alert dialogs in the SDK.

var config = VideoEditorConfig()
// Text color of title in alert dialog
config.alertViewConfiguration.titleTextConfig.color = .white
// Text color of message in alert dialog
config.alertViewConfiguration.messageTextConfig.color = .white
// Text color of button in alert dialog = UIColor(red: 238, green: 90, blue: 122)
// Background color of alert dialog
config.alertViewConfiguration.alertBackgroundConfiguration.color = UIColor(red: 44, green: 43, blue: 111)

Step 3

Add new string resources for the alert dialog file. You can add resources for other languages