
This doc explains how to reduce the size of Video Editor and Photo Editor SDK in your app bundle.

Video Editor SDK includes Face AR product for playing AR effects. Face AR includes many heavy resources that take space in the SDK.

Photo Editor SDK incudes Face AR product and an exclusive effect that allows to apply various features.

The biggest part of the SDK size are Face AR resources and Photo Editor effect which is around 70% . This number depends on product versions


Integrate SDKs with cut resources. Download and put these resource in runtime.


All changes are available in PullRequest

  1. Upgrade to the latest SDK builds. Additionally exclude a number of dependencies in com.banuba.sdk:effect-player-adapter

    def banubaSdkVersion = '1.38.0'
    implementation "com.banuba.sdk:ffmpeg:5.1.3"
    implementation "com.banuba.sdk:camera-sdk:${banubaSdkVersion}"
    implementation "com.banuba.sdk:camera-ui-sdk:${banubaSdkVersion}"
    implementation "com.banuba.sdk:core-sdk:${banubaSdkVersion}"
    implementation "com.banuba.sdk:core-ui-sdk:${banubaSdkVersion}"
    implementation "com.banuba.sdk:ve-flow-sdk:${banubaSdkVersion}"
    implementation "com.banuba.sdk:ve-sdk:${banubaSdkVersion}"
    implementation "com.banuba.sdk:ve-ui-sdk:${banubaSdkVersion}"
    implementation "com.banuba.sdk:ve-gallery-sdk:${banubaSdkVersion}"
    implementation "com.banuba.sdk:ve-effects-sdk:${banubaSdkVersion}"

    implementation ("com.banuba.sdk:effect-player-adapter:${banubaSdkVersion}") {
        // As a result only sdk_core, sdk_api will be used
        exclude group: 'com.banuba.sdk', module: 'scripting'
        exclude group: 'com.banuba.sdk', module: 'face_tracker'
        exclude group: 'com.banuba.sdk', module: 'effect_player'
        exclude group: 'com.banuba.sdk', module: 'skin'
        exclude group: 'com.banuba.sdk', module: 'eyes'
        exclude group: 'com.banuba.sdk', module: 'lips'
        exclude group: 'com.banuba.sdk', module: 'hair'
        exclude group: 'com.banuba.sdk', module: 'background'
        exclude group: 'com.banuba.sdk', module: 'occlusion'
        exclude group: 'com.banuba.sdk', module: 'visual_clip'
        exclude group: 'com.banuba.sdk', module: 'correctors'
        exclude group: 'com.banuba.sdk', module: 'makeup'
        exclude group: 'com.banuba.sdk', module: 'brows'
        exclude group: 'com.banuba.sdk', module: 'banuba_sdk_resources'

    implementation "com.banuba.sdk:ar-cloud:${banubaSdkVersion}"
    implementation "com.banuba.sdk:ve-audio-browser-sdk:${banubaSdkVersion}"
    implementation "com.banuba.sdk:ve-export-sdk:${banubaSdkVersion}"
    implementation "com.banuba.sdk:ve-playback-sdk:${banubaSdkVersion}"

    def banubaPESdkVersion = '1.2.8'
  1. Exclude Main Photo Editor effect delivered in main build from Android assets . Otherwise the effect will be bundled into your apk from the SDK. This effect is also in bnb-resources.zip file

     aaptOptions {
            ignoreAssetsPattern "!photo_editor"
  2. Put bnb-resources.zip file to your server. This file contains Face AR resources and Photo Editor effect


  1. Request extracting resources for Video Editor SDK by using new config in Video Editor Koin module

    val module = module {
         single(named("extractExternalResources")) { true }
  2. Request extract resources for Photo Editor SDK by using new property in PhotoEditorConfig. And pass this config in start method.

     val extras = Bundle().apply {
    	 putBoolean(PhotoCreationActivity.EXTRA_EXTRACT_EXTERNAL_RESOURCES, true)
     // Start Photo Editor SDK
           extras = extras
  3. In app runtime download bnb-resources.zip and put it to data/data/$package/files dir. See screenshot.

Screenshot 2024-10-15 at 3.17.12 PM.png